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#A with umlaut shortcut code
Press down the Alt key.īegin your savings by searching u with double dots alt code at isCoupon. To get the u umlaut sign using the alt code: Place your insertion pointer where you need to insert the ü symbol. The shortcut for double dots over the letter "i" is "Alt + 0207" for an uppercase i and "Alt + 0239" for a lowercase i.īelow are the alt codes for both lowercase and uppercase “u” with the umlaut (two dots) accent mark over it. Keyboard shortcuts can be used to put umlauts, or "double dots," over letters. What is the keyboard shortcut for double dots? u with acute accent alt code is 0250.įor Example, to make the u with two dots sign using the lowercase u umlaut Alt code of 0252: first, ensure that your NumLock is turned on, then press and hold the alt key while you type the alt code number that identifies the u umlaut sign, which is 0252, on the numeric keypad.

To type this character (ù), press and hold the alt key whilst you type the alt code for u grave. To type this character (ü), press and hold the alt key whilst you type the alt code for u with two dots. What is the alt code for U with two dots?